Monday, May 13, 2013

Group D: Guideline Conservation for Art Framing

Company Name: Conservation Research Laboratory
Style: orgaic
Telephone: 979-862-7791
Schematic drawing of flax.

Schematic drawing of cotton.
 Cotton is a vegetable fiber derived from lint on the cotton seed. It can survive in moderate alkaline conditions but is adversely affected by acids. Cotton does not transmit moisture like linen and is very absorbent in its processed state. It is this characteristic which allows cotton to take dyes well. Cotton has a very characteristic clockwise twist; for this reason, it is commonly spun in a 'Z' twist.
 Wool consists of protein fibers. The majority of the amino acids in the protein of the wool are keratin, which contains insect-attracting sulfur. Wool fibers absorb more moisture and accept dyes better than vegetable fibers. Wool is not a strong fiber and weakens considerably when wet.
Schematic drawing of silk.

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