Monday, March 5, 2012

Wallpaper Anatomy

Types of Wallpaper
Printed wallpaper is the general category of manufactured wallpaper with printed patterns.
Vinyl-coated wallpaper is the most common type of wallpaper, made of paper but with a protective coat of vinyl that makes it ideal (and scrubbable) for kitchens, bathrooms, etc. It is usually strippable, which makes it easy to pull off a wall and re-paper with a new pattern.
Relief wallpaper has a raised texture that you can feel.
Solid vinyl wallpaper is the most durable, waterproof and is ideal for very humid areas.
Flocked wallpaper, usually ornate and considered "old fashioned," includes a raised felt pattern that contrasts with the background color.

Non-Traditional Types
Unbacked fabric is one of the most difficult styles because you have to work carefully to smooth out the fabric as you apply it to the wall.
Foil (brand name: "Mylar") is difficult to work with because it shows imperfections in the wall surface and because it can get wrinkled easily. It has silver and reflective surfaces.
Cork-faced wall coverings are thicker because they have a surface of cork. 

Types of Backing
Paper Backing: Used for paper backed vinyls and vinyl coated papers.
Woven Fabric Backing: Used for scrim, osnaburg, or drill cloth

Scrim: used mostly in light construction

Osnaburg: is used in medium to heavy usage areas

Drill cloth: used with the heaviest wallcoverings

Non-Woven Fabric Backings: Non woven wallcovering substrates (base material) are produced on a paper machine from a mixture of long fiber cellulose pulps and textile fibers. Special additives are used to provide wet strength and absorbency. Non wovens provide a substrate that is dimensionally stable when wet, which allows it to be pasted to the wall.
Latex Acrylic Backing: Used on fabric wallcoverings to allow for stability and improved hanging qualities.

Types of Wallpaper (Detailed)
Coated fabric:  Fabric substrate coated with liquid vinyl or acrylic. The decorative layer is printed on this coating. This is generally considered more "breathable" wallpaper which makes it best for use in low moisture rooms.

Paper backed vinyl/solid sheet vinyl:  Paper (pulp) substrate laminated to a solid decorative surface. This type of wallpaper is very durable since the decorative surface is a solid sheet of vinyl. It is classified as scrubbable and peelable. Solid sheet vinyl can be used in most areas of the home since it resists moisture and is stain and grease resistant.

In-register paper-backed vinyl:  Solid vinyl layer of material is laminated or bonded to a paper backing sheet. These wallcoverings have a heat-embossed (raised) effect to register (fit) the pattern design, and provide a multitude of textural effects.  These wallcoverings have a high quality appearance and are durable because the decorative surface is solid vinyl.  They resist moisture, stains, and grease.

Fabric backed vinyl:  Substrate laminated to a solid vinyl decorative surface. General categories of this type of wallpaper include:
       a. Solid vinyl - this wallpaper consists of a vinyl film laminated to a fabric or paper substrate. It is generally considered the most durable wallcovering because the vinyl is a solid sheet and not applied in a liquid form. This type of wallpaper is ideal for consumers looking for a great degree of washability, scrubbability and durability.
       b. Paper - this type of wallpaper refers to wallpaper with a paper substrate/ground combination upon which the decorative layer is printed. True papers are not coated, but some may have a coating applied to seal in the inks. Because this type of wallpaper varies widely, check the label for attributes of the pattern/brand you want to purchase.

String effect:  Wallcoverings that have very fine vertical threads laminated to a paper type substrate. Threads may be of a man made material or natural fiber such as silk or linen.

Meredith Woolfolk

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