Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ge Xie
Group D – Framing: Art and Furniture Restoration
Company Name: Fine Art Restoration
Style: Antique
Address: Lisa Rosen ( fineartrestorationnyc@gmail.com)
Telephone: 646.241.0931
Website: http://fineartrestorationnyc.com/contact-lisa-rosen.html
Products Information/ model numbers: Painting/ Churches/ Ceilings

Special Remarks: Lisa Rosen of Fine Art Restoration New York City specializes in restoration of oil paintings on canvas or panel. Lisa Rosens 27 years of hands-on experience, include 16 based in Italy. She restored the Stations of the Cross murals at St. Ignatius Loyola, the spectacular Catholic church on Park Avenue at 83rd Street. She restored damaged art and sculpture at La Reggia di Caserta near Naples, a royal hunting lodge that had served as headquarters for American forces during World War II. She did a six year stint with Prince Prospero and the Colonna Family, during which she discovered an enormous Paris Bordone painting that had gone unidentified in the family collection. She helped repair the work of Carlo Maderno in the Cardinals Corridor at the Vatican for the 2000 Jubilee Celebration.

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